DN Solutions fulfills its social corporate responsibilities with transparent management for a sound corporate culture and joint growth.
To ensure continuous growth, we embrace customer-oriented management philosophies, transparent management, and innovation in order to boost our corporate competitiveness and to act on and deliver our corporate social responsibilities.
As a result, we have set up and implemented the Code of Ethics that requires employees to work according to these principles.
- We do not discriminate on the basis of sex, religion, disabilities, age, social status, ethnicity, bodily conditions, marital status, pregnancy or childbirth, family type or family situation, race, skin color, thoughts or political opinions, sexual orientation, education, history of disease, etc.
- We shall not tolerate inappropriate language or behavior such as verbal abuse, violence, and sexual harassment.
- We select, assign, and evaluate human resources in accordance with rational criteria and principles.
- We shall express and communicate diverse opinions freely based on rational grounds.
- We shall not treat each other unfairly according to the personal beliefs and status and pursue teamwork according to reasonable standards and principles.

- We shall not directly or indirectly give and take, demand, promise, or express the provision of bribes, entertainment, or other improper benefits with our business partners, individuals, or government officials in relation to the company business.
- We shall ensure an accurate writing of materials and financial reports related to the company business in accordance with laws, accounting criteria, and internal regulations.
- We shall, in a timely matter, disclose accurate information such as corporate activities, major management activities, etc. in accordance with laws pertaining to public disclosure.
- We shall not conduct competitive business and concurrent jobs or any other activities conflicting with the company or acts defacing/defrauding the company.
- We shall not use inside information of the company in stock trading and marketable securities trading, for personal interests, and we shall not provide such information to others.
- We shall protect the company’s assets and ensure a safe management thereof to prevent them from being lost, damaged, stolen, and abused.
- We shall use the Company's assets for legitimate business purposes only and not for personal gain or for the benefit of third parties.
- We shall protect confidential information of the company, and without the approval of the company, shall not share the information with others.
- We shall legally protect and manage personal information, handled by the company, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information

Fair Competition
- We shall regard suppliers, subcontractors, and distributors as business partners, seeking to trust and grow together.
- We shall not make agreements or exchange opinions with our competitors that improperly limit competition, regarding the product and service’s price, type, supply amount, trading territory, trading counterparts, trading conditions, and/or bidding conditions or methods
- We shall not use the company’s superior status in exercising influence improperly against any trading counterparts.

and growth
- We will listen to, and respect customer feedback and attempt to understand customers’ needs and wants.
- We will provide accurate information on our products and services to customers.
- We will accept diverse technologies, knowledge, ideas, and information.
- We strive for continuous improvement in all aspects of technology, products and services, business processes, and systems.

Corporate social
safety, and
the environment
- We will value corporate social responsibility and contribute to society through activities.
- We will ensure safe management of our working environment and will comply with laws and standards for the environment, and for the health and safety of the workplace.
- We will value the safety of employees, customers, and communities as we conduct our business activities, including the development, production, and sale of products.
- We will ensure a positive development and innovation of technology to pursue eco-friendly growth.