DN Solutions provides optimal machining cycles and specialized machining solutions that are easy to use in the production of your products.

13 Case(s)

    A solution that supports the creation of a gear profile for various modules using the same tool by machining external gears and splines with the InvoMilling tool an 5-axis machining machines.


    A solution that machines the inner/outer diameter of gears precisely through synchronous control of the main axis (table) and milling spindle.

  • The ability to machine inclined surfaces on turn-mill machines​

    A solution that machines sloped surfaces by converting the machining coordinate system of TC equipment equipped with a milling function.

  • Trochoidal Cut ​

    A solution that enables the user to easily use trochoidal machining, which was previously created using CAM, by developing a macro-based cycle.

  • Machining Condition Selection Function​

    A solution for improving the quality and productivity of the mold machining surface. Optimized parameters can be selected for each machine.

  • DSSV​

    DNSolutions Spindle Speed Variation

  • SSP​

    Smooth Surface Package

  • 5-axis Machine Turning Function​

    A solution that provides a turning function to the 5-axis machines for complex processes.

  • Hard Turning Machining​

    A turning solution that machines ultra-hard materials over Hrc45, and which has been optimized by using ultra-hard tools.

  • HFP 1540 Operation package​

    A solution that checks HFP1540 performance, performs post-processing based on post- works, and provides a simulation machine file to enhance the reliability of machine performance and customer convenience.

  • Free Turn Machining​

    A machining solution that supports spindle rotation control machining by applying one tool, unlike conventional turning machines where a separate tool has to be used for each shape requiring machining .

  • Triple Offset Machining ​

    A machining solution designed to implement eccentric cone-shaped machining to meet the market demand for butterfly valves.